
Exploration and Applied Geophysics

Classe: LM-79
Lingua: EN
Accesso: libero
Sede: Pisa

Caratteristiche e finalità

The Master of Science (MSc) in Exploration and Applied Geophysics trains geophysicists to address and solve different types of geophysical, geological, and engineering problems, with a solid background and a set of specialized skills attractive to the job market.

Cosa si studia

We offer three main study paths with different focus and aims.

  1. Exploration geophysics: study of topics related to geophysics for georesource exploration and Carbon Capture Use and Storage (CCUS) monitoring.
  2. Applied Geophysics: study of topics related to geophysics for environmental monitoring, near surface and engineering investigations.
  3. Earthquake and Volcano Physics: study of topics aimed at better understanding natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

The solid computational and numerical skills provided allow students to model complex geophysical processes, analyze large and heterogeneous geophysical datasets and use the most recent AI techniques.
Since 2019 we offer a Double Degree with the Montan University of Leoben (Austria).

Il lavoro dopo la laurea

Our graduates can find broad opportunities to apply their skills in various fields:

  • companies providing geophysical services and consulting;
  • environmental monitoring and protection agencies;
  • georesources companies;
  • design and engineering firms;
  • public and private research institutions.

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